One Hundred Worlds Preschool


Welcome to the One Hundred Worlds Preschool Community

About Our Preschool

The educational philosophy of One Hundred Worlds Preschool aligns with the core principals of the Reggio Emilia approach. Our image of the child as creative, capable, and curious individuals is the driving force behind our curriculum. We recognize the importance of play, and our space is intentionally planned to create a safe and nurturing learning environment. We value connection and collaboration with our students, families, and the community. Join us as we create new worlds through art, sensory, literacy, numeracy, science, storytelling, music, and nature exploration. 

Our Values


Encouraging teachers, children, and parents to collaborate will promote a sense of community and belonging. Collaborative learning experiences will encourage a deeper understanding of knowledge and enrich learning experiences.

Emergent Curriculum

Through a thought provoking play-based environment, we will nurture children’s natural curiosities and interests. Children will be able to investigate and explore freely within the classroom, hypothesize and test theories, and construct their own knowledge.


Projects are a natural progression that occurs within an emergent curriculum. Projects encourage children to reflect, research, plan, and make decisions with their peers and teachers. Projects support children in a more in-depth learning experience. We believe projects foster a sense of community, where children, teachers, and families can work together to co-construct knowledge. Projects expose children to meaningful experiences to develop socially, emotionally, creatively, physically, and intellectually.

Observation & Documentation

Observing and documenting the children’s learning process is a key component used to display the children’s work and make their learning visible. Documentation is a valuable tool we use to help families understand the child’s learning and development process. We document each child’s learning journey through a mobile app that families can interact with.

The Environment

We consider the environment to be a third teacher. Our classroom is purposely planned by creating an inspiring environment for the children. We intentionally plan the space to foster each child’s ability to problem solve, investigate, make choices, and build upon their skills.

Your child’s educational foundation begins at One Hundred Worlds Preschool, an early learning community developing lifelong learners.

One Hundred Worlds is a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool that is dedicated to the education of young children and their families in Airdrie, Alberta.

We offer an innovative preschool program to families using the Reggio Emilia Philosophy and Flight: Alberta’s Early Learning and Childcare Framework to shape our program.

Call Us

+1 (587) 998 6220

Online Form

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